Servo Stabilizer

Our Servo stabilizers can be classified into Air Cooled Stabilizers and Oil Cooled Stabilizers. While an air cooled stabilizer is generally used for areas with power capacities less than 45 KVA, oil cooled stabilizer can be used for applications where more than 45 KVA power is used. In industries where dust and flammable particles like cotton dust, foundry dust, etc., are very high, oil cooled stabilizers should be used even for lower capacities to prevent fire accidents and to attain trouble free performance.

Air cooled stabilizers are available in single phase and three phase models. 

Single phase air cooled stabilizers are available in different capacities as 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 KVA’s.

Voltage range/working range for Single phase air cooled stabilizers given below:

Input range            Output range

170 to 270 V             230 ± 1% V 

140 to 270 V             230 ± 1% V

90 to 270 V               230 ± 1% V

170 to 300 V              230 ± 1% V 

In special cases, we can also custom-build stabilizers as per your site requirement.

3-phase air cooled stabilizers are available in the following KVA capacities: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 22.5, 25, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 75, 100, 125 and 150. Voltage range/working range for 3-phase air cooled stabilizers given below:

Input range            Output range

360 to 460 V            400 ± 1% V

340 to 465V             400 ± 1% V 

295 to 465 V            400 ± 1% V 

240 to 465 V            400 ± 1% V

155 to 465 V            400 ± 1% V

295 to 520 V            400 ± 1% V

In special cases, we can also custom-build stabilizers as per your site requirement.

Oil cooled stabilizers are again available in single phase and three phase models. 

Single phase oil cooled stabilizers are available in different capacities as 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25 KVA’s.

Voltage range/working range for Single phase oil cooled stabilizers given below:

Input range            Output range

170 to 270 V            230 ± 1% V

140 to 270 V            230 ± 1% V

90 to 270 V             230 ± 1% V

170 to 300 V            230 ± 1% V

In special cases, we can also custom-build stabilizers as per your site requirement.

3-phase oil cooled stabilizers are available in the following KVA capacities: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 22.5, 25, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 75, 100, 125 and 150. Voltage range/working range for 3-phase oil cooled stabilizers given below:

Input range            Output range

360 to 460 V            400 ± 1% V 

340 to 465 V            400 ± 1% V 

295 to 465 V            400 ± 1% V 

240 to 465 V            400 ± 1% V 

155 to 465 V            400 ± 1% V 

295 to 520 V            400 ± 1% V

In special cases, we can also custom-build stabilizers as per your site requirement

Applications of Servo Stabilizers:

The unending list includes: CNC machines, engineering industries, modern textile machineries, auto looms & mills, garment industries (embroidery, knitting, compacting, dyeing, printing machineries, sewing machines, etc.,), medical equipments, hotels & restaurants, multiplexes, malls & apartments, educational institutions, lighting loads, lifts & elevators, air conditioning equipments, factories, modern rice mills, hospitals, IT companies & BPO’s, gymnasiums, photocopying centres (Xerox centres), DTP centres, Corporate buildings & offices, retail showrooms, boutiques, restaurants, theatre projectors, etc.,